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Business Apps to Help Promote Growth in Your Contracting Company

Contracting companies can now grow rapidly because of the increase in mobile technologies. Companies are now capable of running their entire business from a truck.

When promoting industry services, it’s important to maintain an up-to-date approach to both other businesses and customers. It’s important to utilize technology whenever and wherever it’s applicable. It’s The Age of the Smartphone, and mobile apps are booming businesses because a lot of them help increase productivity.

Obtaining the right tools is essential to moving and scaling a company, now these tools have become digital.

About the Apps: Why Use Them?

With the Apple iPhone’s introduction, and with its App Store locked, loaded and aimed, tiny programs were accessible from a persons pocket. This wasn’t just speedy, it was effective. Google created Android, and Google Play became a contender, so other companies followed suit like HTC, Samsung, and Motorola.

Smartphones have swarmed throughout workplaces, and they’ve boosted the mobility and effectiveness of productivity for employees, managers and CEOs, making it possible to promote growth in your contracting company through a mobile device.

The Business Apps

When it comes to promoting company growth, several applications have proved themselves as helpful. But many have fallen to the industry wayside because of several big-league hitters.


Invoice2go is served through Android, iOS, OSX and Windows, and it provides easy-to-use and reliable interfaces to create estimates while adding products. This application best serves industry professionals dealing with expansion and promoting growth in their contracting company, and it utilizes a professional interface suitable for such a crowd. Its included templates are logo-accessible, and it’s available across every major platform.

Construction Cost Estimator:

Construction cost Estimator grants iOS users a fantastic estimator capable of cataloging projects, pictures and construction cost booklets. Construction cost booklets can be created within the platform. Also Construction Cost Estimator delivers utilities for sending PDF estimates, on the spot, which is great for expanding companies edging above the competition.

Construction Master 5:

Another iOS-hitter is Construction Master 5, which provides building contractors with a multi-purpose calculator that is highly accessible and easy to use. Additionally, multiple functions provide users with help-lines pertaining to various options. This app, while recommended at the employee-level, can be used throughout a company’s structure.

The Takeaway

The future is here and companies capable of understanding, implementing and utilizing Smartphone apps, have an edge. While the world of mobile phone applications is ever-expanding, several key players are servicing the industry well.

  • Invoice2go is great for industry-elite providers, and it’s excellent for cataloging and promoting in-house growth.

  • Construction Estimator is perfect for keeping ahead of competition, and its PDF quick-export feature is a much-needed attribute.

  • Construction Master 5 is an all-around utility application, and its home-base is within employee-levels of operation.